@DrywallByDesign • team diamondback

Scott Montgomery

Saskatoon, Saskatchewan • Canada


What do you find most enjoyable about working in the trades? 

Having every day be different and always learning new ways to build or fix things

What do think is the biggest misconception about working in the trades? 

Biggest misconception, that being in the trades means looking scrubby and unprofessional. I really believe that’s one way to attract young people, make trades look professional again. 

What attracted you to Diamondback? 

The Modular system approach and the company values

What is your favorite DB product and why? 

Db sax and the clip on accessories. With the spine. Because I can quickly grab what I need from the trailer and throw it on my belt or in a bag. I’m always doing different repairs, usually small ones so light and modular is the way for me. 

Favorite comfort food? 
